For more information on a course, please select the course from the menu bar to the left or above: |
BIO 318M Biostatistics |
This is a 1 semester, 3 credit hour, Quantitative Flag course in Biostatistics, which is aimed at a general audience or biology majors. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are emphasized to help the individual better understand their world and make more productive decisions in their every day life. |
Statistical Foundations |
This is a three or four day "Summer Statistics Institute" course. This emphasizes and explains the foundations of data collection, summarization, presentation, interpretation and understanding. The course is open to both the UT community and the general public. |
This is a three or four day "Summer Statistics Institute" course, which introduces the statistical package SPSS. The course demonstrates how SPSS can simplify data summarization, presentation, evaluation and understanding. This course is open to both the UT community and the general public. |
BIO 360K Immunology |
This is an upper division, 1 semester, 3 credit hour course in Immunology, which describes the components of the immune system and demonstrates how the immune system integrates within the host; to define and protect the host from foreign pathogens and cancer. |
BIO 160L Immunology Lab |
This is a 1 semester, 1 credit hour lab course, which presents the commonly used Immunological Diagnostic Techniques. The course emphasizes experimental design, experimental applications and data interpretation. |