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Teaching Interests Understanding the factors which are important for students' success in mastering complex subjects, such as Biostatistics, can provide insight for optimizing course and syllabus design; which in turn can greatly promote students' performance within these subjects.

Assessment of student's quantitative skills and feelings toward quantitative skills can help the utilization and emphasis of these skills within a variety of disciplines, within the biological sciences.
Embryonic Stem
Cell Models
Embryonic stem cells have great potential, especially as therapeutic agents to cure diseases. It is believed that ES cells may be able to repopulate and reintegrate damaged tissues.

Due to their growth characteristics, embryonic stem cells may also be used to study tissue development and provide model systems to assess genetic developmental pathways and drug therapies.
Assessing 3D
Structures With Stereological Techniques
Stereological techniques provide a simple and rapid method of measuring structures; in order to quantitate the relative proportions and complexities of structures with an organ or organism.

Stereological techniques, provide an incredibly powerful way to assess tissue development and complexity within organs; during development or after gene therapies and drug treatments.
Mouse "Knock-Out" Technologies Mouse knock-out technologies offer a way to selectively target & delete genes within embryonic stem cells and to introduce mutated cells into mouse embryos.

Cells within chimeric mice with genetic modifications can be transmitted through the germ line, to produce progeny animals which are solely comprised of genetically modified cells.
The "Bright" Transcription Factor Regulates Antibody Production The "Bright" transcription factor regulates expression of antibody production, within B cells, in the mouse.

The mechanisms of action and functions of "Bright" within B cells and the whole mouse can be elucidated, using deletions or mutations of the bright gene.