Honors and Awards
Ctenotus piankai (Storr 1968)
Guggenheim Fellow, 1978
Biography in "American Men and Women in Science"
Biography in "Who's Who in America"
Biography in "Who's Who in the World"
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1981
Denton A. Cooley Centennial Professor of Zoology (1986-2018)
Denton A. Cooley Centennial Fellow of Zoology (2018--)
Biography in "Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology"
Fulbright Senior Research Scholar, Australia, 1990
D. Sc., (Ecology), University of Western Australia, 1990
Oochoristica piankai (Bursey, Goldberg, and Woolery 1996)
Innovative use of Instructional Technology, 1997
Dean's Fellow, 1998

College of Natural Sciences, Teaching Excellence Award, 1999
Skrjabinodon piankai (Bursey and Goldberg 1999)
Big 12 Faculty Fellow, 2000-2001
Dean's Fellow, 2003
Best Non-Fiction Book,
Oklahoma Center for the Book, 2004
Distinguished Herpetologist, Herpetologist's League, 2004
Herpetologists League session (Norman, OK, 2004) entitled
"Ecology and Evolution of Reptiles: A Tribute to Eric Pianka"
ASIH Resolution on Piankafication, Copeia 2004: 989-990
Arts and Sciences Distinguished Lecturer
Award at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne
Featured in a 2004 Russian book "Faces of Ecology" by G. C. Rosenberg along with many famous Russian ecologists as well as other luminaries including Lucretius, Leonardo da Vinci, Carl von Linne (Linnaeus), Lavoisier, Lamarck, Goethe, Malthus, Humbolt, von Bauer, Verhulst, Pearl, Liebig, Darwin, Haeckel, Warming, Birge, Lotka, Volterra, Raunkiaer, Thoreau, Tansley, Teilhard de Chardin, Clements, Shelford, H. A. Gleason, H. Walter, Thinemann, Braun-Blanquet, Jacques Cousteau, W. C. Allee, R. A. Fisher, Charles Elton, Andrewartha and Birch, R. H. Whittaker, R. P. McIntosh, W. T. Edmondson, Howard and Eugene Odum, J. T. Curtis, Raymond Lindeman, John L. Harper, Lester Brown,
G. E. Hutchinson,
R. H. MacArthur,
Albert Schweitzer,
Ilya Prigogine,
Lynn Margulis,
Ramon Margalef,
Aldo Leopold,
Rachel Carson,
R. E. Ricklefs,
Paul Ehrlich,
and Al Gore.
Lawrence Slobodkin Lecture in Evolution,
State University of New York, Stony Brook, 2005.
Grand Prize, Robert W. Hamilton Book Awards, 2005. Plaque.
Inaugural Address for Ecology, Evolution and Behavior program,
Texas A & M. University, 2005.
Distinguished Scientist, Texas Academy of Science, 2006. Plaque.
Engraved Stone in Oklahoma Heritage Walkway, Sam Noble Museum
of Natural History, Norman, 2006.
Distinguished Invited Speaker to the Lucian Symposium,
St. Edward's University, Austin, Texas, 2006.
Honorary Member, French Varanid Association, 2008.
Carleton College Alumni Association
Award for Distingished Achievement in Evolutionary Ecology, 2010.
Crossover Event.
External Reviewer, Zoology Graduate Program, Kuwait University, 2011.
Fellow, Ecological Society of America, 2013.
American Academy of Arts and Science, 2014.
Daily Texan Article
Auffenberg Medal, 2015.Interdisciplinary World Conference on
Monitor Lizards, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Bangkok
 IUCN Monitor Lizard Specialist Group
  Eminent Ecologist, Ecological Society of America, 2015.
U. T. News
ESA Announcement
American Society of Naturalists Symposium:
Latitudinal Gradients in Species Diversity: 50 years since Pianka
Download pdf of Latitudinal Gradients in Species Diversity:
Reflections on Pianka's 1966 Article and a Look Forward