Herpetologist's League Ecology and Evolution of Reptiles: A Tribute to Eric Pianka Friday, May 28, Room DEF Eric Pianka has been one of the leaders of herpetological and ecological research since he began publishing his seminal work in 1959. He has published scores of papers -- many of them extremely influential classic citations -- and multiple books. His most recent collaboration with one of the symposium chairs, Lizards: Windows to the Evolution of Diversity , has just been published by the University of California Press in 2003. To celebrate Eric's 65th birthday in 2004 and his many contributions to science, his students and collaborators will come together to present some of their research, much of which has been influenced directly or indirectly by Eric. In addition to presentations by Eric and the organizers, contributors include William E. Cooper, Jr., Nancy Heger, Wendy Hodges, Raymond Huey, Bryan Jennings, Joe Schall, Christopher Schneider, Rick Shine, Kate LeVering, Kurt Schwenk, Thomas Schoener, Jonathan Losos, David Spiller, Kirk Winemiller, Gad Perry, and Laurie Vitt. Organizers: Gad Perry Texas Tech University Gad.Perry@ttu.edu Laurie Vitt University of Oklahoma vitt@ou.edu |