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Examples of dissertations from the Hillis-Bull lab in the area of Evolutionary Processes
Dissertations since late 1995 available as pdf's
Earlier dissertaions are available from the UT libraries
(see also dissertaions in the areas of Phylogenetics, Evolutionary Processes, and Computational Biology)
Recent dissertations on Experimental Evolution from the lab:
Sharon Messenger (Ph.D., 1997: Evolution of virulence in an experimental bacteriophage system) (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Wayne Crill (Ph.D., 1998: Experimental evolution and molecular basis of host-specific viral adaptation) (pdf, 2.8 MB)
Mathew Brauer (Ph.D., 2000: Geometry and genetics of microbial adaptation) (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Kristina Kichler (Ph.D., 2001: Dynamics of adaptive evolution in two experimental viral systems) (pdf, 1 MB)
Joel Sachs (Ph.D., 2004: The Evolution of cooperation and conflict: Experimental model systems and theory) (pdf, 768 KB)
Alisha Holloway (Ph.D., 2004: Polyploid origins, experimental evolution of gene duplicates, and duplication and divergence of reproductive genes) (pdf, 1.4 MB)
Richard H. Heineman (Ph.D., 2007: Lysis Time, Optimality, and the Genetics of Evolution in a T7 Phage Model System) (pdf, 1.4 MB)
William R. Harcombe (Ph.D. 2009: The Evolutionary Ecology of Model Microbial Communities) (pdf, 0.7 MB)
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