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Examples of dissertations from the Hillis-Bull lab in the area of Evolutionary Processes
Dissertations since late 1995 available as pdf's
Earlier dissertaions are available from the UT libraries
(see also dissertaions in the areas of Phylogenetics, Evolutionary Processes, and Experimental Evolution)
Recent dissertations in Computational Biology from the lab:
Michael Dixon (Ph.D., 1993: Ribosomal RNA as a phylogenetic tool : history, secondary structure and application to parrot evolution) DISS 1994 D645 PCL Stacks 5K
John Huelsenbeck (Ph.D., 1995: The statistical properties of phylogenetic methods). DISS 1995 H871 PCL Stacks 5K
Mathew Brauer (Ph.D., 2000: Geometry and genetics of microbial adaptation) (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Mark Holder (Ph.D., 2001: Using a complex model of sequence evolution to evaluate and improve phylogenetic methods) (pdf, 3 MB)
Derrick Zwickl (Ph.D., 2006: Genetic algorithm approaches for the phylogenetic analysis of large biological sequence datasets under the maximum likelihood criterion) (pdf, 3.3 MB)
Alan Lemmon (Ph.D., 2007: Analytical, computational, and statistical approaches to studying speciation) (pdf, 4.0 MB)
Tracy A. Heath (Ph.D., 2008: Understanding the importance of taxonomic sampling for large-scale phylogenetic analyses by simulating evolutionary processes under complex models) (pdf. 1.7 MB)
Jeremy M. Brown (Ph.D. 2009: Improving the Accuracy and Realism of Bayesian Phylogenetic Analysis) (pdf, 3.6 MB)
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