Guild Structure and Community Organization
Guild -- clusters of functionally similar species, such as foliage-gleaning insectivorous birds, diurnal terrestrial insectivorous lizards
Colwellian plots of standard deviation in niche overlap versus rank of neighbor in niche space
Macrodescriptors -- relative abundance, species
diversity, trophic levels, and food webs.
Identification of appropriate aggregate
variables is not only essential, but also constitutes a double-edged sword: such
macrodescriptors enable progress but simultaneously constrain its direction(s).
Epiphenomena arise from pooling component populations
-- trophic levels, guilds, subwebs, and ecological pyramids.
Do communities possess truly emergent properties that transcend those of mere collections of populations?
Major pitfall -- communities are not designed
directly by natural selection for efficient and
orderly function
Antagonistic interactions at the level of individuals and
populations (such as competition, predation, parasitism and even mutualisms) frequently impair aspects of ecosystem performance while enhancing other properties
For example, consider prey-predator interactions -- selection operating on individual prey organisms favors escape ability, which in turn reduces the rate of flow of matter and energy through that trophic level, decreasing ecological efficiency but increasing community stability
Predators, however, evolve better ability to capture their prey, which increases efficiency of flow of energy of through trophic levels but reduces system stability
More thought needs to be devoted towards attempts to connect community-level properties with those of individuals in populations
Direct pairwise versus indirect effects in complex networks of interacting species -- species must be considered within the context of the entire community in which they exist (cannot isolate pairs)
How to depict a complex network of interacting species in an understandable manner?
A hybrid protocol for the analysis of community structure
Observed resource utilization matrices are randomized to form pseudo-communities (conserved zeros vs. scrambled zeros)
These randomized communities are compared with their real prototypes to detect statistically significant differences
Anatomical Correlates of Ecology
Head length, hindleg length
Morphometric hypervolumes
Principal Components Analysis
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Last updated 20 March 1997
by Eric Pianka