Eric R. Pianka, Denton A. Cooley Centennial Fellow of Zoology
B. A., Carleton College, 1960 Ph. D., University of Washington, 1965 D. Sc., University of Western Australia, 1990
Department of Integrative Biology C0930 University of Texas at Austin, One University Station Austin, Texas 78712-0253 USA, Earth (512) 471-7472 phone, (512) 471-3878 fax email: Eric Pianka did NOT advocate spreading ebola What nobody wants to hear, but everyone needs to know A Desert Lizard Data Book for the 21st Century Watch Videos ERP's Contributions General Interests Publications Current Research Projects Honors and Awards Invited Lectures Past Graduate Students Postdoctorals To Prospective Graduate Students Courses Taught by Eric R. Pianka Herpetology at UT Pianka's Ten Commandments On Human Nature Obituary Dead for a Day, Resurrection Last Wolverine Flash Links to Pianka's Web Pages Last updated by Eric Pianka on 2 June 2020
Department of Integrative Biology C0930 University of Texas at Austin, One University Station Austin, Texas 78712-0253 USA, Earth (512) 471-7472 phone, (512) 471-3878 fax email:
Evolutionary Ecologist
Spaceship Earth(There is no planet B) Domino Effects REQUIEM