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You are welcome to download the following computer programs from the Hillis/Bull lab



Cadence (T. P. Wilcox) (, 1 MB)
(Program detailed in:
Wilcox, T. P., García de Leon, F. J., D. A. Hendrickson, and D. M. Hillis. 2004.
Convergence among cave catfishes: Long-branch attraction and a
Bayesian relative rates test. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31:1101-1113.


Tree Set Visualization (link to site)
(Program detailed in:
Hillis, D. M., T. Heath, and K. St. John. 2005.
Analysis and visualization of tree space. Systematic Biology 54:471-482.

Tree Set Visualization works as a module in Mesquite, so you will also need to
install this free program to use Tree Set Visualization.


TreeJuxtaposer (link to site)
A program for visualization and comparison of trees. Any part of a tree may
be re-sized interactively, and differences in trees or designated groups
may be highlighted or colored for emphasis.


SequenceJuxaposer (link to site)
A program for visualization and comparison of sequences


GARLI (link to site)
A Genetic Algorithm for Rapid Likelihood Inference
by Derrick J. Zwickl


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Current Hillis Lab Visit the Double Helix Ranch Lab Genealogy Former Students and Postdocs