The presentations slides that I use in class and lab are uploaded after class.  Sometimes I forget.  If you need to access a presentation, and I have not posted it yet, please email me.  Depending on your browser, you may view them on-line or download them and view them.  Please keep in mind that these figures act as a jumping off point for teaching and discussing in class, and there may be information that was discussed in class that did not have an accompanying figure.  Click on the dates to access the presentation; they are pdf files.

7/12  Class Introduction and Strong Inference (article as pdf)

7/14  and lab Th 7/14 or M 7/18 Inquiry 1, Practicing Strong Inference, and Searching for Academic Literature

7/19 Inquiry 1 proposal approval

Lab 7/20 or 21  Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, and T-test

7/21  Inquiry 2, Lab Safety, and Statistics: R-squared and Sample Size

7/26 Inquiry 1 presentations

7/28 Inquiry 2 proposal vetting

Lab 8/1 or 2 Authorship and Peer Review

8/2 Using Animals and Humans in Research

Lab 8/3 or 4 Ethics Case Studies and the Art of Presenting and Writing

8/4 Funding Research

Lab 8/8 or 9 Careers and Success

8/9 Why are we not solving more problems? Plus Peer Review Exercise

8/11 Oral and Written Reports due