presentations slides that I use in class and lab are uploaded after
class as a pdf file. Sometimes I forget. If you need to
access a presentation, and I have not posted it yet, please email
me. Depending on your browser, you may view them on-line or
download them and view them. Please keep in mind that these
figures act as a jumping off point for teaching and discussing in
class, and there may be information that was discussed in class that
did not have an accompanying figure. Click on the dates to
access the presentation.
or 25 Class Introduction
or 30 Strong Inference (article
as pdf)
Lab on 8/30 or 31 Practicing Strong Inference and Finding Scientific Articles
8/31 or 9/1 Inquiry 1
9/5 or 6 No Class
Pre-class Information over Statistics and Data Analysis for classes on 9/7-15
9/7 or 8 Introduction to Data Analysis and Statistics
9/12 or13 T-test and Sample Size Calculating
Lab on 9/13 or 14 Sample Size Calculator and R2
9/14 or 15 Outliers and Chi2
9/19 or 20 Inquiry 2 and Lab Safety
9/21 or 22 Picking a Research Stream for Spring 2012 and How would you spend $100 million for research?
9/26 or 27 If you can't say something nice... criticizing research about GM crop safety.
9/28 or 29 Authorship and Peer Review
Pre-class information about research funding and patents for week 8, 10/3-7
10/3-6 Funding Research and Patents (one slide show for the whole week)
10/10 or 11 Debate: What should be the focus of public research?
10/12 or 13 Presenting and Writing
10/17 or 18 How unique are humans compared to other animals?
10/19 or 20 Why do we use non-human animals in research?