Dr. Stuart Reichler’s Spring Fall 2007 Bio
Homework #1
Must be printed/typed and turned in at
the beginning of class on 20 September 2007
As I mentioned in class, we will
use articles from scientific journals to learn about genetics. So
I would like you to pick an article that you would like to study in
class. The
article should relate to one of the topics listed on the
syllabus. Your source
should be from a scientific journal and have been published no earlier
than 2002. You can certainly use a mainstream news source to get
ideas, but I want you to find an article of original research not a
report by a journalist. If you have any questions about the
appropriateness of your choice, please ask.
To help us grade this assignment, please follow this
Class (Bio 325 Extension)
Your name
Article title, author’s name(s), journal title, volume, page number(s),
and the date of publication
Include a short description of the question(s) posed in the article,
how this article relates to one or more of the topics listed on the
syllabus, and
the reason that this article would make for an interesting class.
I will present some of these articles in class, so
please include enough information
so that I can make an informed decision on what articles we want to
use for class. Make certain that your citation is correct.
Also, for class presentation, it would be helpful if the article has
sufficient figures to make a visually compelling presentation.
This assignment should not exceed 800 words.
This homework will be graded on a
scale of 0-4 points. Your grade will be determined on your
ability to find an appropriate article, your identification of the
question being asked, and your rationale for choosing the
typed/word-processed paper should be printed and turned in during class
on September 20, 2007 at the
beginning of class. I will
subtract 0.5 points for each day late.