Dr. Stuart Reichler’s Spring 2007 Bio 301L Homework #1
Must be emailed to
sreichler @ mail.utexas.edu by 7 February 2007 at noon

    We (students, professor, and TA) are going to work together to determine the topics we will study for the latter part of the class.  To get things started, please send me a journal article that you would like to study in class.  The article should relate to molecules and organisms (genes, cells, structure and function, interactions or responses to the environment, diseases, inheritance...and/or other related subjects).  Your source should be from a scientific journal and have been published from 2002 to 2007.  Your source should be accessible from the UT library and listed on this webpage, http://www.lib.utexas.edu:9003/sfx_local/azlist?perform=searchCategories, under the categotries: life sciences, health sciences, or agricultural sciences.  You can certainly use a mainstream news source to get ideas, but I want you to find an article of original research not a report by a journalist.  If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your choice, please ask Stuart or Julia.

    The format of the assignment should be as follows: (To make it possible to post your submission, please follow this format.)

Class (bio 301L)

Your name

Article title, author’s name(s), journal title, volume, page number(s), and the date of publication

Include a short description of the question(s) posed in the article and the reason that this article would make for an interesting class.  Do not attach the article or paste it into your email.

    Remember that you need to include enough information so that we can make an informed decision on what articles we want to use for class.  Make certain that your citation is correct.  Also, for class presentation, it would be helpful if the article has sufficient figures to make a visually compelling presentation.
    This assignment should not exceed 800 words.  Please include your assignment in the body of an email and send it to me by noon on February 7, 2007.  DO NOT attach the article or your assignment.  This homework will be graded on a scale of 0-4 points.  Your grade will be determined on your ability to find an appropriate article, your identification of the question being asked, and your rationale for choosing the article.  I will subtract 0.5 points for each day late.
    After I receive all of your submissions, I will post them on the class webpage (without names) and we will work together to decide which articles we want to use for class.