UGS 303: Research Methods Summer 2011
TTh 1-3pm in BME 2.506

Lab: TTh 3-4:30pm OR MW 1-2:30pm

Prof:  Dr. Stuart Reichler

TA: Nidhi Sharma

Office:  Bio 6

Bio 21

Phone: 471-1074



Office hours:  Anytime,
just contact me for an appointment

 by appointment

Research Methods Syllabus, summer 2011 (pdf)

Class and Lab Schedule:

Class 7/14 Inquiry 1 Guidelines and Strong Inference Practice with Termites

Lab 7/14 or 7/18 Academic Literature

Class 7/19 Inquiry 1 Proposals due

Inquiry 1 Format for Proposal and Reports and Inquiry 1 Grading Guidelines (pdf)

Class 7/21 Inquiry 2, Lab Safety, and Statistics

Lab 7/20 or 7/21 Statistics Practice

7/26 Inquiry 1 Written and Oral Reports due

7/28 Inquiry 2 Proposals due

Inquiry 2 Format for Proposal and Reports (pdf)

Lab 8/1 or 2 Peer Review and Authorship

Class 8/2 Using Animals and People in Research

Lab 8/3 or 4 The Art of Communication: Oral and Written, plus Ethics case studies

Class 8/4 Funding Research and Patents

Lab 8/8 or 9 Careers and Success

Class 8/9 Why do we not solve more problems? plus Peer Review Exercise

No lab on W 8/10

Class 8/11 Inquiry 2 Written and Oral Reports due

Forms and other information needed for inquiries:

Weekly office hours:
If you have questions or need help, you should feel free to contact any of us, Stuart, the TA, or mentors in person, by email, or by phone.  During some parts of the semester, TA's will be available at specific office hours. For the office hours listed on the class calendar (below), contact the TAs 24 hours in advance to set up a meeting:

Homework #1 is due in class on Th 7/21

Homework #2 (safety training) is due in class on Th 7/28

Homework #3 (about ethics) is due in lab on M 8/1 or T 8/2

Homework #4 (Careers) is due in lab on M 8/8 or T 8/9

Information presented in class:

Strong Inference:  The Article

The Rules of Strong Inference

Presentation slides and scientific articles used in class and lab

Supplemental information

Page last updated on 3 August 2011