NSC 301C, FRI-rm Fall 2008
MW 9-10am in ENS 116

TTh 9-10am in CPE 2.216

Prof:  Dr. Stuart Reichler TA for mw 9-10am Sonya Chiu
TA for TTh 9-10am Alicia Castillon
Office:  Bio 6 Bio 15
Bio 21
Phone: 471-1074
471-1074 471-6658
E-mail: sreichler@mail.utexas.edu
sonyachiu@mail.utexas.edu acastillon@mail.utexas.edu
Office hours:  Anytime,
just contact me for an appointment
 by appointment
 by appointment

FRI-rm MW Syllabus (pdf)

FRI-rm TTh Syllabus (pdf)

Updated Syllabus (11/4/08)
Week Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lab (M or W)
1. W 8/27
Introduction no lab
2. 9/1 no class (Labor Day) Strong Inference no lab
3. 9/8 Journals What is an inquiry? Database Searches and Strong Inference
4. 9/15 Journals Statistics Inquiry 1 Proposals
5. 9/22 Statistics no class Statistics Practice
6. 9/29 Statistics Experimental Design Inquiry 1 Presentations
7. 10/6 Ethics Ethics Inquiry 2 Proposals
8. 10/13 History of Discovery(M- Dr. Roux, T- Dr. Moon) The Art of Presenting Ethics Discussion
9. 10/20 Writing History of Discovery (Dr. Parmesan) Peer Review
10. 10/27 Conflicting Data: human evolution and mtDNA Ethics: using non-human animals in research Inquiry 2 Presentations
11. 11/3 Ethics: using non-human animals in research cont. Patents Inquiry 3 Proposals
12. 11/10 Funding Research University Research (Who are all these people?) Group Experiment
13. 11/17 What happens after graduation? What is success? Ethics Discussion
14. 11/24 What is a scientific meeting? no class (Thanksgiving) no lab (Thanksgiving)
15. 12/1 History of Discovery (Dr. Mabry) Wrap-up Inquiry 3 Presentations
Weekly office hours:
If you have questions or need help, you should feel free to contact any of us, Stuart, the TA's, or UGTA's in person, by email, or by phone.

The PAI 4.14 lab will be open, and staffed by a TA at the following times:
Th 11/20 from 4-9pm
F 11/21 from 5-9pm
Sunday 11/23 from 1-6pm
M 11/24 from 12-9pm


Format for Inquiry 2 and 3 Inquiry 3 proposals (due in lab the week of 11/3), written and oral reports (due in lab the week of 12/1)

Homework #9 (due M 12/1 or T 12/2)

Format for Inquiry 1 Proposals and Written Reports (due in lab the week of 9/15)

Homework #5 (due in class 11/19 or 20)

Homework #4 was your peer review exercise done in lab on 10/20 or 22

Homework #2 (due 10/13 or 14) and Homework #3 (due 10/22 or 23)

Homework #1 (due in lab the week of 9/15)
Information presented in class:

Strong Inference:  The Article

    The Rules of Strong Inference

Powerpoint presentations and scientific articles used in class and lab

Supplemental information

Page last updated on 20 November 2008