Bio 301M  Fall 2003
Prof:  Dr. Stuart Reichler
Class is in GRG 424

Bio 301M Syllabus

Exam date* Review session No discussion
W 10/1
T 9/30 in Taylor 2.006 10/2
F 10/31 Th 10/30 in Taylor 2.006
F 12/12
from 2-5pm
W 12/10 5pm in PAI 4.42

**The final exam will consist of 2 exams.  Exam 3 will cover the material since 11/3/03.  There will also be an optional cumulative exam with questions covering material from the entire semester.  Your grade will be an average of the highest 4 grades out of a possible 5 grades.  As for crib sheets, You may bring one 8.5 x 11" sheet for exam 3 and another one for the cumulative exam.  I will collect the sheets for the cumulative exam while you are taking exam 3.  When you complete exam 3 you may use both exam 3 and the cumulative exam crib sheets non the cumulative exam.  Let me know if you have any questions.**

Mari's office hours:  Th 1-4pm, or by appt. in Bio 6

Stuart's additional final exam office hours (in Bio 6)...
Th 12/4 11am-1pm
, F 12/5 10am-noon,
T 12/9 noon-4pm, W 12/10 2-5pm,
Th 12/11 noon-2pm, F 12/12 noon-2pm

Reading material about Genetic Engineering: (pdf format)

Benefits and risks of genetically modified food
from Science 12/15/2000 vol. 290 pg 2088

from Nature 8/8/2002 vol. 685

Zambia rejects genetically modified food aid
from Science 11/8/2002 vol. 298 pg 1153

Information presented in class:

Strong Inference:  The Article

The Rules of Strong Inference

What do we consider living?

The Definition of Life

Figures and topics presented in class

Keys to this semester's exams:


Exam 1

Exam 2

Supplemental information and test preparation material:

Old Exams:
Some of the subject matter is different, but the style of the exam will be similar.

Spring: Exam #1, Exam #2, Exam #3

Fall: Exam #1, Exam #2, Exam #3

Spring: Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3

Summer:  Exam 1, Exam 2

Page last updated on 4 December 2003