Dr. Stuart Reichler’s Spring 2008 Bio 311D
Bonus #3
due 6 May 2009 in class
Compare and contrast a plant and animal
hormone. Find
information on one plant and one animal hormone that are similar, in
some way, to
each other. Describe what each hormone does in the organism, and
how they are similar to each other. Besides one being from
animals and the other from plants, also describe how they are different.
Be certain
to cite any outside sources that you use. Using outside sources
is fine,
not citing those sources is plagiarism. This
assignment should not exceed two
pages. This
homework will be graded on a
scale of 0-1 points. The
typed/word-processed paper should be printed and turned in during class
on May 6, 2009.
I will subtract 0.25
points for each day late.
If you have any questions, please ask.