Dr. Stuart Reichler’s Spring 2008 Bio 311D
Bonus #2
due 22 April 2009 in class
See one
of the following movies: "The Unforseen" (2007), "Baraka" (1992),
"Grizzly Man" (2005), "Gorillas in the Mist" (1988), "Manufactured
Landscapes" (2006), "Darwin's Nightmare" (2004), or "King Corn"
(2007) and write a short paper on what you thought of the
movie. You can watch as many movies as you like, but I will only
accept one bonus assignment. These movies may be available
at the UT A/V library in the FAC (http://catalog.lib.utexas.edu),
online, on Netflix, at I Luv Video (www.iluvvideo.com),
or Blockbuster, etc.
After seeing the movie, write a four page or less
essay about your impressions of the movie. DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE
MOVIE. Tell me what you thought. Some themes you might
consider could be: Was it good or bad? Did you agree or
disagree with it? Was the movie fair and/or even-handed?
What did you feel when watching the movie? Which people in the
movie did you feel the most empathy for? These are only some
suggestions, and you can write whatever you like about the movie as
long as your essay is NOT SIMPLY A SUMMARY OF THE MOVIE.
Be certain
to cite any outside sources that you use. Using outside sources
is fine,
not citing those sources is plagiarism. This
assignment should not exceed four
pages. This
homework will be graded on a
scale of 0-1 points. The
typed/word-processed paper should be printed and turned in during class
on April 22, 2009.
I will subtract 0.25
points for each day late.
If you have any questions, please ask.