Bio 214: Structure & Function of Organisms
(1st Summer Session 2002)
MTWThF 1-2pm in PAI 3.02

June 5-21
Prof:  Dr. Stuart Reichler
Bio 6 ph: 471-1074
Office hours: MW 11-12, or by appt.

June 24-July 11
Prof:  Dr. Marianne Dauwalder
Botany Annex ph: 471-6239
Office hours: MW 11-12, or by appt

TA:  Ms. Jian Wu
Bio 9 ph: 471-1074
Office hours: Bio 9  MW 11-12, or by appt.

Date Subject RelevantChapters
June 5 Introduction/Philosophy of Science 1
6 Plant Adaptation to Land 29, 30, 38
7 Plant Structure 35
10 Plant Reproduction 38
11, 12 Transport in Plants 36, 37
13 Plant Response to the Environment (exam 1 end) 39
14 Introduction to Animals/ Nutrition 40, 41
17 Digestion (evening Exam 1) 41
18, 19 Circulation/ Gas Exchange 42
20, 21 Immune System (exam 2 end) 43
24 Temperature Regulation (evening Exam 2) 44
25 Osmoregulation 44
26, 27 Excretory System 44
28 Endocrine System (exam 3 end) 45
July1, 2 NervousSystem (7/1 evening Exam 3) 48
3 Sensory Systems 49
4 Independence Day (no class)
5 Motor Systems 49
8 Reproduction 46
9, 10 Development  (exam 4 end) 47
11 FinalExam(9-noon)

In the Life Science library or at ( you can find sample exams, announcements, exam keys, and other information about the class.

Lecture:  M-F 1-2pm in PAI 3.02.  Attendance is not mandatory but is encouraged since most of the test material will come from information presented in lecture.  We recommend that you take good notes and/or record the lectures.  The easiest way to learn and perform well in this class is to attend and participate in lecture and discussion sessions.

Discussion Sections:  The discussion sessions serve as a review of the previous week’s material and allow the students to ask questions in a small class setting.  They are not mandatory, but students who attend and participate in discussion sessions will be awarded up to 16 points (2 points for each discussion session that you attend).  You may attend whichever discussion section best suits your schedule.
    T and Th 8-9, 9-10, 10-11, 11-12 in ESB 137

Grading and Exams:  There will be four exams each worth 100 points.  Each 60 minute exam will include only the information presented since the previous exam.  There will not be a cumulative final.  Each test will be equally weighted, so that each one will be worth 25% of your final grade.  The exams will be short answer, essay, fill-in-the-blank, and labeling or drawing.
    Due to the amount of material and the shortened summer schedule, the exams will be held in the evenings outside of normal class time.  The first three exams will be Monday 6/17, 6/24, and 7/1 at 5pm in PAI 3.02.  The final will be 7/11 from 9-noon.  You must present written excuses for missing one of these exams.
    Our teaching and testing styles emphasize the ability to understand and use the information presented in class.  We want to minimize your dependence on memorization and encourage you to think critically about biology.  For examples of the types of questions that will be asked on the tests, see the webpage for Dr. Reichler's old tests or the Life Science library for Dr. Dauwalder's.
    Bring your ID to the exams.  Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be punished to the extent allowed by the University.

Textbook:  "Biology, fifth edition" by Campbell, Reece, and Mitchell is required, it will be helpful as a reference and so you can study figures and tables that are presented in class.  There will be copies available in the Life Science Library.  Handouts will be available in class or on the webpage as appropriate.