Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh

Latin "uro" = to burn. Refers to the trichomes, which, if they pierce the skin, inject Histamine, acetylcholine, and a neurotoxin. Watch out!

Common Name: heartleaf nettle, ortiguilla. Poisonous.

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Urtica chamaedryoides Urtica chamaedryoides
Habit - Small monoecious annual, grows in damp, shady areas  
Urtica chamaedryoides Urtica chamaedryoides
Terminal inflorescence is a spike-like panicle, whereas the flowers along the stem are borne in axillary clusters. Two inflorescences come from each leaf axil. Plants are monoecious.
Urtica chamaedryoides Urtica chamaedryoides
Leaves are subcordate to lanceolate, with crenate margins. The glass-like urticating trichomes break off in the skin and act as hypodermic needles, releasing the toxins and causing intense burning.