Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh
Latin "uro" = to burn. Refers to the trichomes, which, if they pierce the skin, inject Histamine, acetylcholine, and a neurotoxin. Watch out!
Common Name: heartleaf nettle, ortiguilla. Poisonous.
Habit - Small monoecious annual, grows in damp, shady areas | |
Terminal inflorescence is a spike-like panicle, whereas the flowers along the stem are borne in axillary clusters. | Two inflorescences come from each leaf axil. Plants are monoecious. |
Leaves are subcordate to lanceolate, with crenate margins. | The glass-like urticating trichomes break off in the skin and act as hypodermic needles, releasing the toxins and causing intense burning. |