Helenium amarum
Common Name: Sneezeweed, Bitterweed
habit--Helenium amarum is a Summer-flowering annual | head closeup--notice how the ray corollas are pointed downward and how the disk is somewhat spherical. Also, notice how there is a definite space between each ray--Helenium ray corollas often appear like spokes on a wheel. |
in some parts of the state (such as in the sandy soils of the Llano Uplift), the disk flowers of Helenium amarum are more commonly brown instead of yellow--these plants are described as H. amarum var. badium (the yellow-disked plants are called H. amarum var. amarum, but you are not responsible for remembering variety names). | Helenium can become the dominant plant in some settings, especially under heavy grazing (because livestock avoid eating it)--Which variety of H. amarum is this? |
leaves--what leaf shape is present here? | |