Evax verna Raf.
Common name: Rabbit tobacco
Evax verna is a very small tap-rooted annual. |
Plants either have a single stem terminating in a cluster of heads, or they will be branched dichotemously, with a cluster of heads both at the axis and at the ends of the branches. |
In this photo you see a cluster of heads surrounded by protective leaves. Each round, white shape is a head. Each darker dot in the head is a separate floret within the head. Do you think these are ray florets, or disc florets? |
Closer view of the heads. | Here you see old plants in the fall, after they have dried out. These persist for months and it is much more common to see a dead Evax verna than it is to see it blooming in the Spring. |
More views of Evax verna after Spring, when they have dried out |