Structure and Function of Organisms
Lab 12: Introduction to electrophysiologyQuestions for Oscilloscope Exercise
1. The _______________ is an instrument that can measure voltage as a function of time. 2 and 3. In the lab, you will make measurements of the electrical activity of what two tissues in the human body: ____________ and _____________. 4. The device in a digital oscilloscope that actually makes the measurements is called an ________________ . 5. Biological measurements can be made using an oscilloscope wherever/whenever it is possible to convert the thing that one desires to measure into a voltage. A device which makes this conversion is known as a _____________. 6. Unlike an analog oscilloscope, the measures of voltage from a digital oscilloscope are composed of a series of _______________ that are obvious on the graph the computer produces on the monitor. 7. A measurement of the electrical activity of the heart is known as an ___________ (abbreviation is okay). 8. A measurement of the electrical activity of skeletal muscle is known as an ____________ ___________ (abbreviation is okay). 9. What is the significance of the time interval between successive P waves? The inverse of this interval gives the ____________________. 10. The excitation of the SA node in the heart is signified by what portion of the electrical waveform? ____________ (P, Q, R, S, T) 11. What would you expect to happen to the interval between successive P waves if an individual begins to exercise? The interval would _____________ (decrease, increase, remain unchanged). 12. What interval in the electrical waveform of the heart represents the contraction of the ventricle? ______________. 13. What interval in the electrical waveform of the heart represents the time during which the heart is relaxing? ____________ (Q-T, P-QRS, QRS-T, T-P, P-T, X-Y) 14. What wave in the electrical waveform of the heart represents the time during which the atrium is contracting? (P, Q, R, S, T) 15. Electrical activity at the beginning of the heartbeat is initiated at the __________. 16. What do you expect to happen to the amplitude of the electrical activity of skeletal muscle as you increase the force of muscle contraction? It should _____________ (decrease, increase, remain unchanged). 17. A major problem in using a digital oscilloscope is the frequency of ________. If this frequency is too low, one can miss rapid changes in the signal one is trying to record. If this frequency is too high, one generates too many data points. 18. To investigate the digital oscillocope in the lab, we will use a device called a ________ _______ to produce sine waves, triangle waves, and rectangular waves of voltage. 19. In examining biological tissues, particularly nerves and muscles, it is often necessary to apply a voltage shock produced by a device known as a ______________. 20. The ______ control on the stimulator controls the time interval between a synchronization pulse and the delivery of the stimulus.