Hit Counter Necessities Canvas Tarp (heavy-duty real canvas, not plastic) Sleeping bag, blanket, solar blanket Boots, clothes, hat, leather gloves, jacket Spare spectacles, teeth, prescription medicines?, etc. . . . Backpack, fanny pack Waterproof matches, magnesium fire starter kit Propane lighters with spare flints Knives (pocket knife, variety of stainless steel larger knives) Razor box cutter w/ spare blades File, emory stone sharpener Wire, stainless steel pliers (rust proof with wire cutters) Nylon twine (for snares) Rope Fish hooks, leader Needles and thread, safety pins Canteens, water jug(s) Cup, billy pot with lid, frypan, fork, spatula (all stainless steel) Stihl folding saw Bow saw, spare blades Hatchet (all metal) Shovel (all metal, or fiberglass handle) Crossbow with lotsa arrows Slingshot, spare surgical tubing 3/4" aluminum tubing (for blowgun) Heavy-duty black plastic sheeting (for ground cloth & water catchment) Duct tape (for patching tarp, clothes, etc.) Band Aids, gauze, adhesive tape Ace bandages with clips Tweezers, forceps Superglue (use to glue skin together to fix cuts) Antibiotic ointment Aspirin (salycyclic acid) Things worth Knowing: Crush plants and smell them, if pungent don't eat. Rub broken leaves on sensitive skin areas of your body -- if inflammation occurs, don't eat, if not, the plant might be edible. Chew on willow for salycyclic acid (aspirin) Acorns are edible if soaked in several changes of water Save this acorn water, animal hides can be tanned in it Make soap by boiling fat and adding ashes Eat green and brown bugs, not red or yellow ones Luxuries Tent Gun with ammunition Soap (make soap by boiling animal fat and adding ashes) Toilet paper Toothbrush, toothpaste Bug repellant Cortisone anti-itch ointment Compass Binoculars Map(s) Flashlight, spare batteries Watch, sundial Salt, pepper Coffee, tea Nuts, trail mix Jerkey Survival Guides: Larsen, US Military Pocket Survival Guide McNab, Special Forces Survival Guide Wiseman, SAS Survival Handbook Yantis, Survive Infinite Dangers (http://www.infinitedangers.com/) You are visitor # Hit Counter |